“I wish my cats were dead”

Sometimes you come across something so obnoxious, that your stomach churns. This little rant by Dave Hill is one such.

I have three pet cats and I really hate them all. They used to be called Cinders, Smudge and Marmalade although I’ve recently re-christened them Scratchy, Sneezy and Stinky in honour of the ailments they inflict on my family and me.

That, frankly, is the best of the piece – it goes downhill from there on in. Oh, but Dave isn’t the only obnoxious bottom feeding jerk in the piece. The comments section is full of self-righteous pillocks who think that cat hating is somehow clever. Not only is it clever – they indulge in self-congratulatory smugness when they remind us that:

there’s very little moral justification for spending money on pets whether healthy or not considering that there are millions of human beings suffering and starving on the planet, so your dilemma is nothing new or peculiar.

Congratulations jbravo, you take the prize – along with the egregious Dave – for being a sanctimonious fuckwit. There is no correlation between pet ownership and the implied shared guilt over the starving of Africa. I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: Frankly, if I have to make a choice between putting a couple of quid into a can to help prop up a nasty little tin pot dictatorship in some African hell-hole or buy a couple of cans of cat food, I’ll opt for the cat food, thank you very much. And, I won’t be judged by moral vacuums such as yourselves.

If there is a reason for my misanthropic tendencies, it is nauseating people such as those found in this rancorous piece of bile and its comments section. I despise them, utterly. People who think expunging a life – because it is a cat and they hate cats and they don’t matter – somehow makes them superior, show themselves up for their lack of empathy. It is empathy, whether to other human beings or the world around us that gives us our humanity. I see precious little here. Although, to be fair, one or two comments reflect my revulsion of the original article. This one from caught my eye  :

What a truly, repellantly, selfish person you are. I hope the cat that has the thyroid problem defecates on your head when you next sleep.

Grow up and take care of your cats you whining brat.

Well said sir (or madam).

Addendum: For all you nasty cat-haters, here’s a gratuitous image of one of my cats, Ahmose; magnificent creature that she is:


  1. Ah, and here was me thinking the link was going to lead to a rant by another blognut. But a Guardian comment??? There seems to be an unending supply of living things humans feel obliged to bestow hatred on. If it’s not some despised human population, we turn on our pets, of all things…

  2. Arrrgh! That picture is giving me an almost unstoppable urge to make ‘Are You Being Served’ style puns.

    … Must … Resist

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