Naked Obsession

Down in Wales the neighbours have been getting twitchy over nude sunbathing. Lynett Burgess has just been cleared of indecent exposure by a magistrates court. It seems that she was in the habit of walking about in her own garden while naked.

My immediate response to this would be; “Yes? So?” Not so Ms Burgess’ neighbours:

The court heard that Ms Burgess’s next-door neighbour Morien Jones, 34, filmed her sunbathing naked and took the video to police.

Father-of-three Mr Jones told magistrates: “I was renovating the back of my home with a local builder when Ms Burgess appeared in her garden.”

“She walked back and fore completely naked – I went to get my video camera to record the incident.”

“I have been extremely shaken by this. It has been very upsetting and worrying. I don’t want to bring up my children in such an environment.”

This pathetic little incident says much about Ms Burgess’ neighbours and the attitudes prevalent in our society. So offended and shaken was Mr Jones that rather than look away, he bravely got his video camera out and, facing immense risk to his moral decency, sacrificed himself to film the incident. Ye gods! Shaken? What sort of constitution does Mr Jones have if he is shaken by the sight of the naked female form? Oh, of course this is all for the sake of the children. If I hear that facile mantra once more, I swear, I’ll scream. This is the oft used excuse of the hard of thinking in an attempt to restrict the freedoms of others – anything may be justified if it is appended by the chilling phrase “because of the children”. Rubbish! Nonsense! Children are people, just as are adults. Stop insulting our intelligence and engage your brain – should you be able to find it.

So children have to be protected from naked bodies now? FFS do me a favour! And, perhaps Mr Jones might want to reflect on the repugnance society holds for people who film their neighbours in various states of undress. As he seems incapable of behaving like an adult, I’ll offer a clue. Look up the word “voyeur” in the dictionary.

Prosecutor Maggie Hughes said sunbathing nude “could be grossly offensive to normal decent persons in society”.

I appreciate that Maggie Hughes is merely doing her job – even though it is a massive waste of taxpayers’ money to prosecute this case (one could even say, it’s a grossly offensive waste). But nudity in one’s own garden grossly offensive? Is it bollocks! Since when was the human form grossly offensive to “normal decent persons”? What century is this nincompoop living in? However, Ms Burgess gets in before me:

Ms Burgess replied: “I take exception to the word kick and find you prudish.”

Ms Hughes didn’t like the charge thrown back at her, though, and claimed that she was not a prude. Given that she finds the idea of someone sunbathing in their own garden in a perfectly natural state offensive, she is, indeed, a prude – as is the infantile neighbour who complained and felt it necessary to compound his offence by filming the cause of his affront. What a pathetic, sanctimonious, prudish, voyeuristic, hypocritical arsehole.

Ms Burgess is planning to move away – who can blame her?

1 Comment

  1. this case begs the question of why the police even entertained such a prosecution. Is this another copper looking at increasing his PRP on the back of the present political correctness fashion. i.e persecution of those in society that find being in the same state as the way we are all born to be perfectely acceptable. If we carry on at this rate, babies will have to be born into a pre prepared bag so that are not naked. Political correctness has gone mad. 10 years ago i thought new labour was a breath of fresh air, how wrong could i have been. We now have ASBO’s and all sorts of other restrictions on our freedom of expression. My goodness what has happened to good old common sense. what has happened to social tolerance.

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