Dawkins On Track for Christmas Besteller

It is looking as if Richard Dawkins is likely to be an unlikely bestseller this Christmas.

A BOOK that rejects religion and argues for the non- existence of God is heading to be the No 1 bestseller for Christmas.

Richard Dawkins’s The God Delusion is at the top of the bestseller chart of the online bookseller Amazon, and is climbing up The Times bestseller chart.

Dawkins is a bit evangelical for my taste but I can’t help a quiet smile at the delicious irony in the timing.


  1. I agree with you on Dawkins being evangelical and also, he doesn’t allow others to hold similar yet different views. What I’ve read of the excerpts of this book, there seems to be an awful lots of “God can’t exist because the Christian notion of God is a tyrant” type of thing. Why not just say “God doesn’t exist because, outside of hearsay and words written down, there’s no proof whatsoever.”

  2. Yes, the problem with Dawkins is that he has the same effect on believers (and some non believers) as the Jehovah’s Witnesses have.

    Why not just adopt the default position of “prove it.”?

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