Heathrow Scanners

The nauseating scumbag for today comes from Accenture; a certain Cyrulle Bataller who extols the virtue of treating the population like criminals:

Passengers at Heathrow airport are being invited to take part in a trial of high-tech biometric scanning equipment, which aims to make the travelling process easier by getting people through identity checks faster than ever before.

When people are off to catch a flight, they usually check they’ve got everything. Passport? Ticket? Bumper Sudoku book? All there. But in future you might also need your fingertips to fly.

Not only vital for tackling the in-flight meal, fingertips – along with irises and facial features – are all being used in biometric measurements that check identity, a trial system of which has just gone live at Heathrow airport.

Accenture are the people behind other government technology cock-ups, such as the NHS database. So I am filled with a sense of confidence (yes, confidence is the word that springs to mind) knowing that this crowd are busy collecting sensitive personal data at Heathrow on behalf of the nasty little fascists in Whitehall. I could, of course, accept that Mr Bataller is simply following orders, a mere pawn in the process of big government. I could, until the fucktard came out with this little gem:

If you’ve got nothing to hide then why are you worried about ID cards? Today’s demonstrations shows that ID cards will make life easier for people.

 Ah, yes, the “nothing to hide nothing to fear” argument used by every charlatan in history who used oppressive surveillance to control and subvert the masses and tried to justify it with platitudes. The Jews had nothing to hide, Mr Bataller. The Rwandan Tutsis had nothing to hide, Mr Bataller.

Mr Bataller, you are a charlatan, a slimy piece of smegma that crawled out from under the arsehole of Blair’s rotten stinking cesspit of a government. You are a prize shit among a shower of shits. How dare you presume to tell any of us whether or not we should have anything to hide from your paymasters – that is for us to decide. And, when you come out with this tripe:

I think this kind of technology will be popular. People know that borders need to be more secure, they know people want to attack our country and about the threat of illegal immigrants.

I know for certain that you are an ignorant prick. It may take time, but people will, eventually, wake up to what you and your ilk are doing to this country and the freedoms it once enjoyed. Mind you, there are some who are still “blissfully” ignorant and will willingly throw away their liberty, privacy and sense of self worth for the sake of jumping a queue at heathrow:

Back out in the terminal, emerging from the queue for an Emirates flight to Dubai, was 49-year-old Jackie Colton, a British national who lives in the emirate.

She is one of the 400,000 already signed up to the “E Gate” process in Dubai, which is that city’s version of the biometric identity system, and she’s eager to do the same at Heathrow.

However, Mrs Colton explains that the miSense kiosk next to the check-in queue for Dubai is not working. But she remains keen to sign up her biometric measurements anyway, describing biometric-supported travel as “blissful”.

She said: “It’s great and it’s got to happen, I’m very confident it its ability. But it hasn’t been marketed here very well, I only saw a small item on the news which is how I learned of it.”

“In terms of easing the flow of genuine, non-risk passengers it’s long overdue. If you have nothing to hide then you’ve nothing to fear.”

Nothing to hide; nothing to fear; that mantra stated by tyrants and echoed by the foolish and willing victims. The mantra of the hard of thinking. I despair, really I do.

1 Comment

  1. Accenture, of course, was (until 2001) part of the Andersen stable which the Conservatives (when they were Conservatives and when they were in government) refused to commission for anything to do with the public sector after Andersen’s involvement with the charlatan and fraudster De Lorean. Andersens gave their all (apparently for free) in supporting pre-1997 NuLabour. So don’t be surprised that Cyrulle “call me smegma” Bataller is happy to sing the government’s song.

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