1. This doesn’t make any sense to me at all. Why on Earth would the Liberal Democrats want to roll over and get into bed with Labour? I can’t see any real benefit to them doing so. If Campbell loves NuLabour so much, why doesn’t he offer to merge with it? I don’t see the Government introducing proportional representation or anything else they have previously asked for.

    This is yet another incident to add to the reasons why we should be suspicious of the Liberal Democrats?

    This doesn’t make any sense to me whatsoever. Could someone explain it to me?

  2. Quite. In the event of a hung parliament, then I can accept that they might enter into discussions, but before an election has taken place?

    I really do think I’ll be voting UKIP this time around – that or spoiling my paper.

  3. A pro-EU Francophile voting UKIP – well I never!

    FWIW, I’ll be doing the same. The big three are filled with vermin.

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