BBC NEWS | UK | BT payment charges ‘unjustified’

British Telecom has been criticised by Trading Standards for charging customers £4.50 extra each quarter if they do not pay by direct debit.

BBC NEWS | UK | BT payment charges ‘unjustified’.

Too bloody right it’s unjustified. Anywhere else it would be called by its proper name; “blackmail”. It’s enough to make you switch providers… Except that all the other thieving scumbags are doing the same thing.

How comforting to see that OfCOM thinks it’s all okay


1 Comment

  1. I am sick to death of being dictated to by mega prophertering companys like BT.I have always been a loyal customer and never once had a red letter to pay my money.I also want to pay my bills as i choose,why should i be penalised because somebody else cant pay theres on time.As usual this is rip of britain and i am not going to pay it,so i am sure it will cost them to take it further,it’s an absolute joke and we should stick together to stop it.

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