BBC NEWS | UK | Drink campaign ‘has wrong focus’

Alcohol awareness campaigns focus too much on young binge-drinkers rather than older people drinking at home, senior doctors have said.

The Royal College of Physicians believes adult alcohol intake is a much bigger health issue – fuelled by an abundance of cheap alcohol.

BBC NEWS | UK | Drink campaign ‘has wrong focus’.

Uh, oh… Here we go…

What people drink in their own homes is no one’s business but theirs. If they wish to pickle their livers, well, it’s their liver. The underlying assumption being made here is that someone who drinks at home – as opposed to downing ten pints in the pub, presumably – has a “problem”. But, then, if you do something disapproved of by the purse-lipped health fascists, you do have a “problem” and it’s a problem they intend to solve, whatever your feelings on the matter. That it is your body is of no consequence to these obnoxious collectivists – you will be cured (even if there is nothing wrong with you) whether you like it or not.

The college wants alcohol prices raised and its availability decreased.
