Neil Gets It

Finally, after all that banging on the door, a glimmer of reality strikes – or is it all a simple error and normal service will be resumed before too long?

Maybe you just choose to misunderstand the issues but it was the Nazis who gave technology a bad name not the technology that made the Nazis bad.

Now, let’s just amend that slightly:

Maybe you just choose to misunderstand the issues but it was the Nazis New Labour who gave technology a bad name not the technology that made the Nazis New Labour bad.

Which is what we have all been saying all along; at no time have I ever complained about technology, merely human behaviour.

Of course, I could have just stepped into a parallel universe where nothing makes any sense… Still, even a New Labour goon has to get it right once in a while. Even if it is inadvertently.


  1. I am amused rather than excited. However, I cannot help but enjoy the moment when Neil Harding encapsulated my whole argument against his repugnant party’s abhorrent plans with such a delightfully simple sentence. That and he completely contradicts his entire argument in this thread, which is sauce for an already delicious dish.

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