BBC NEWS | Magazine | Is bird flu still a threat?

Even before the dead swan was discovered in Cellardyke last year, bird flu was sending a collective shiver down the nation’s spine.

BBC NEWS | Magazine | Is bird flu still a threat?.

Er, no, it was a simple case of the media doing what the media does; exaggerating the story out of all proportion. My spine didn’t shiver in the slightest because I knew exactly what was going on. Fuckwit journos with nothing better to do were trying to make up another little scare to sell more copies of their grubby little rags – and Aunty was no better. So where are we a year later? Well, at the risk of a terrible pun; eggs on faces all round it seems. And well deserved eggs they are, too.


  1. Sadly just as the speed signs about motorways go 60, 50, 40, 30 and you still shoot along doing 80 err 70 and get through no problem. When there is a situation people just won’t react because of the previous Wolf calls.

    But as you say it sells papers and Carbon credits by the looks of things.

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