We have moral duty to help Africa, says Blair | International News | News | Telegraph

Tony Blair gave warning yesterday that rich countries will jeopardise their own security and “rue the consequences” if they fail to help Africa.

We have moral duty to help Africa, says Blair | International News | News | Telegraph.

Quite apart from the oxymoron of Blair talking of morality; a man whom morals long since deserted (if he ever had any); we should pay nothing to Africa. Africa is a continent rich in natural resources, a continent that could, if if could be bothered to put away the begging bowl, feed itself more than adequately by selling those natural resources. While we have countries such as Zimbabwe, frittering away its agricultural wealth for the sake of petty spite and rampant racism, then nothing we can do will make any difference anyway.

Africa has become addicted to aid, it’s time to stop enabling it and put the continent into rehab.