Shoot the Messenger

David Cameron has suspended Ali Miraj for his outspoken criticism:

David Cameron sought to reassert his authority last night by suspending a prominent Conservative party activist who accused him of being too reliant on PR and gimmicks.

Sigh… Miraj is right, though. Cameron is too reliant on PR and gimmicks. Shooting the messenger does not alter the truth in the message. As things stand if Gordon Brown calls a snap election, he is likely to win it. He is also highly likely to increase his majority on the simple basis that there is no effective opposition. Rather than “asserting his authority” Cameron should be taking notice of those critics – they have an important message for him. For those of us hoping for an alternative to more years of NuLab control freakery, there is nothing on offer but despair as the opposition consists of wastrels more obsessed with appearance than offering firm policies.

I presume now that the Tories are regretting their choice of leader? They damn well should be.

Mr Cameron decided to get tough after being buffeted by the most serious outbreak of Tory infighting since he became leader. There is growing concern at the top of the party that he must reassert his grip if he is to mount a serious challenge to Gordon Brown.

Some conservative policies would be a start…