Aunty has more details about the type of questions the European Commission wants included on member states’ censuses:
In addition to data on nationality, size of family, ethnicity, it wants to find out about such matters as computer literacy, number of cars owned, cooking facilities and “durable consumer goods possessed by the household”.
Sigh… Is there no end to the obsessive desire for poking about in our private lives by politicians and civil servants? (Rhetorical question) The answers to the questions by the way are:
A – Fuck off!
B– Mind your own fucking business!
C – Go fuck yourself!
D – That’s fucking personal and private!
Oh, and when you voyeuristic arseholes have finished fucking yourselves, please reply back so that I can put the details on my database.
The excluded questions were:
The dropped question would have asked the “date(s) of the beginning of consensual union(s) of women having ever been in a consensual union: (ii) first consensual union and (ii) current consensual union”.
Frankly, things have gone far beyond beggaring belief. That this is none of their business should have been blindingly obvious to even the most casual of observers.
It’s frightening the extent to which I agree with you. Two people should not be like that. 🙂
Doesn’t that imply that they must be doing while filling out their census form. Also start and end dates? Wow, the times of day are normally enough for me. Well it takes all sorts.
To which the answer is “I am currently in a non-consensual union, to wit, the European one, and am being totally fucked over day and night by these bastards. This started about in 1973”
Why tell anything but porkies in any questionnaire from the government or any quasi-governmental outfit? That nearly 400,000 people in this country are “jedi” followers (according to the 2001 census) is enough to call any info based on such questionnaires into doubt. For the purposes of the London Borough of Haringey’s questionnaires I am an Irish, mixed race, Moslem woman: Mrs Umbongo has an even more exotic background.
Now, what consumer goods do I have?
Set of ivory-handled Eurocrat Disembowelling Cutlasses
Ornamental Garden Lamp post (max loading 150kg) c/w piano wire and gaff hook.
Money Launderer
Fisking Spoon