Incapability Brown apologises…
Prime Minister Gordon Brown has said he “profoundly regrets” the loss of 25 million child benefit records.
He apologised in the Commons for the “inconvenience and worries” caused and said the government was working to prevent the data being used for fraud.
And this power-crazed fucktard wants to put all our sensitive personal details on his National Identity Register?
And on the matter of power crazed fucktards and personal data:
The European Commission has denied suggestions that it wants to include questions about women’s sexual history in its proposed harmonisation of censuses across the EU.
The UK Independence Party had claimed the census included questions about the beginning of sexual union.
The commission says the term is an error of translation and that the question refers to co-habitation, not sex.
Oh, well, that’s alright, then. The answer is the same though… “Fuck off and mind your own damned business!”
I see that Neil Harding is determined to underline his utter ignorance of just what liberty is:
Bloggertarians mostly seem to think that liberty is just about ‘not banning something’. They fail to see how unfair wealth distribution (for example) can restrict liberty or how the state can play a positive role in enabling liberty (by regulating dysfunctional markets to maintain competition and reign in big business). As the freed slaves used to say ‘they took chains off me ankles and put them on my pockets’.
Having been pretty close to destitute this past couple of years, I can assure Neil that I understand fully that wealth (or the lack thereof) is not the same as liberty (or the lack thereof). Not having money to spend has not curtailed my liberty one jot. I recovered from this situation by going out and getting work. Having money (or at least I will when the first invoices get paid) has not made one iota of difference to my liberty. Neil, as usual, talks bollocks. There is, I suppose, a solution; steal money from those people like me who go out and work hard for it and give it to the lazy, feckless wastrels who would rather spend their time watching daytime TV. But no one is mad enough to think that is an ideal solution, are they?
And another thing…
I notice that more and more petrol stations are putting up notices demanding that I remove my helmet when paying for petrol. It would be paranoia to presume that they believe all motorcyclists are out to rob them, so it must be that they want to see our faces. I wear a flip-up type helmet for that very reason; I can converse with people without going through the faff of removing my helmet during such short stops. I’ve been studiously ignoring these notices and no one has challenged me. A little disobedience is a healthy thing.
Toodle pip!
I assume these petrol stations also insist that ladies wearing a burqua unveil when paying for petrol.
Anyway, once you’ve put the petrol in your tank what are they going to do about it – refuse your money because you insist on wearing a helmet to hand over the dosh? Not bloody likely: given the choice between being paid and not being paid they’ll take your money whatever you’re wearing. It’s the usual intimidatory jobsworth crap we put up with in this country.
Well, I’m not putting up with it and it seems to be working…
Keep up the good work – a few more (actually a lot more) like you and maybe the jobsworths would bugger off and die.