The War on Terrr

Via qwghlm, some posters being used by the Metropolitan Police.

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Far be it for me to sound alarmist, but this sort of thing was exactly what the Gestapo did; encourage petty little busy bodies to report their neighbours to the authorities for “suspicious” – i.e. “different” behaviour.

As Chris points out:

The endless calls for heightened vigilance and suspicion of your fellow citizens, in the absence of evidence of a specific threat may be in the name of security, but they lead to a form of mass insecurity.

Indeed. And if I was of a cynical bent, I might just suggest that that is the whole point of the exercise…


  1. We didn’t have this sort of hysteria when the IRA was blowing up London and it was the beeb and Labour Party that insisted on keeping a sense of perspective.

    Now we have the beeb cheer leading so of the worst forms of authoritarianism in the so called free world.

    The Great Simpleton’s last blog post..More on Idiot cards

  2. Would these be the same ‘experienced officers’ that shot a man on the tube when he was NOT a terrorist?


  3. An authoritarian government needs the people to live in fear – whether of terrorists, obesity, global warming, unemployment, crime, whatever does not actually matter. This gummint is ticking all the boxes – Tony Blair explained it all most eloquently on the Andrew Marr show back in September 2006.

    Fucking hell, during the Cold War there was indeed a small risk that we’d all be blown to smithereens in our beds, but there wasn’t the same atmosphere of paranoia was there?

    Mark Wadsworth’s last blog post..“Assembly members’ 8.3% pay rise”

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