Broon Won’t Quit

Faced with the inevitable backstabbing that goes hand in glove with the world of politics, Gordon Brown tells us he isn’t for quitting. Well, he would, wouldn’t he?

Gordon Brown has for the first time been forced to address questions about his leadership, insisting that he has no intention of quitting in the face of internal sniping and media criticism.

Pressed three times in a Sky News interview about his future, he finally said: “I’m starting a job that I mean to continue.”

There’s a delicious irony that his decade of fiscal incompetence has come home to roost just at the moment that he takes the top job. Coupled with this is the dithering last November over the election that never was and his bumbling from one bad news story to another, this statement has all the hallmarks of a dead man walking.

I do hope not, though. I’d like him to stay on; preferably until the next election. The longer he blunders about, the greater the damage he causes to Labour’s electoral prospects. Brown in Number Ten come election day is the best chance we have of seeing this nasty bunch of control freaks crashing to a well-deserved defeat at the polls. So, go for it Gordon, you hang on in there.

Not that I believe the Tories will be any better, mind. It’s just that a change will give us a breathing space before a newly elected Cameron government gets its trotters in the trough and the whole sorry, corrupted cycle starts all over again.

Cynic? Me? You must be thinking of someone else…


  1. Oh I don’t know – if they gave Chippie the job, it might have the same effect come election day. Then again, I suspect you like bike riders, LR.

  2. Whilst it isn’t usually my thing to stick up for the centre-right politicians what recent times have shown me is the utter impotence of British politicians in this globalised world to have any true sway on the national economy. We saw it originally under Norman Lamont – given the ermine coat for his ineptitude! The speculation in currencies and the loss of confidence led to the widescale sale of the pound and the Exchequer’s failure to be able to do anything about it. The SE Asian economies had a hiccup and the Western world stuttered.

    Now we have the credit squeeze, finally calling to account the massive debt problem as confidence in people’s ability to pay wanes and the banks get tetchy. The global downturn has been predicted for a little and yet people still believe that little policies made in a tin pot old Empire country will have any genuine bearing on the world. Brown’s only problem is that he believes this too.

    Doubtless the British electorate will fall for the same sh1te and then vote in the other idiots who will claim they are cleaning everything up and wait for the economic upturn again and then fete themselves for having something to do with it.

    Cynical…? Me?

  3. I would agree that Gordo should stay on to ensure the ddestruction of the labour party except for one thing. he is going to sign the EU treaty. I think that will cause major issues for us for decades to come and my hope is that he is pushed and out of spite calls a general election before then.

  4. I am enjoying watching The Goblin King suffer enormously.. And yes, the top Tories are totally gormless, but they will not be as bad as this lot. Awful yes, but not as bad as this lot who have not a single redeeming feature. Apart from Caroline Flint’s, of course.

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