You What?

Martin Rosenbaum on the successful high court action forcing MPs to reveal their expenses:

MPs have become the real ‘victims’ of freedom of information.


These people are paid with taxpayers’ money – that is, money from you and I, to carry out their duties. Their expenses, therefore, are our business. And, if MPs are claiming legitimate expenses, what is the problem with transparency? Oh, what’s that expression they keep throwing out at us? Oh, yeah, that’s it… “If you have nothing to hide…”

Victims my arse!


  1. I ran my own company for thirty years employing 12-15 people I paid PAYE,NI, VAT, CORPORATION TAX, TRAINING BOARD LEVEES, RATES,REFUSE COLLECTION ON TOP OF RATES,VEHICLE TAXES,and other assorted tax charges, but the one that really rankled was when I loaned staff money they paid a benefit in kind tax and I was charged N.I. contributions as an employer for whatever interest the tax revenue thought appropriate on that loan.
    I was not allowed to spend my companies money in the way M.P.S were allowed to spend my companies money taken in tax.
    This cunt of a journalist claims M.P.s are victims.No wonder these prats do not like the blogs it shows them up for how far away from reality they are.

  2. I must go and have a little cry now. The poor little darlings, they must be wondering where the next blow’s coming from… *blows nose into enormous spotted hanky*

  3. Technically speaking MPs are self employed so why are we paying into a pension fund for them when they should be doing so themselves? They are allowed to keep any gains made on the sale of second homes funded by the taxpayer. I think MPs should STFU about having to declare their expenses and provide receipts. Welcome to the real world of accountability, probity and good governance. It’s OUR money and we should be entitled to know how it is being squandered.

  4. Lovely, let’s watch the buggers squirm. The problem is, they have no sense of shame, so they’re not squirming in the proper sense of somebody who has been caught red handed and knows it. Ah well.

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