Well, they are making a show of asking us, anyway… This from Jacqui Smith on plans to monitor our communications:
The consultation will begin in the New Year and I want this to be combined with a well-informed debate characterised by openness, rather than mere opinion, by reason and reasonableness.
In this, as in the other work we do, my aim is to achieve a consensus and I hope that others will approach the serious issues posed for our national security capabilities in the same spirit.
There is much I could say, and much if it, doubtless, her right dishonourable totalitarianess would find unreasonable, but the Englishman got in there before me:
Jacquiiiii, if you want my opinion, “characterised by openness, rather than mere opinion, by reason and reasonableness” then I merely can say go screw yourself with broken bottle, and likewise to the rest of the stalinist prodnoses who think they can scare the British people into giving away our freedoms.
I can’t really add much to that. Except to remember that consultation with this bunch of arrogant, totalitarian bastards is always a sham to give the appearance of having asked and noted our opinions. They simply ignore the ones they don’t like, so the whole effort is a waste of time. They don’t give a fig for our opinions.
I can see privacy software enjoying a massive boom if Government is stupid enough to try to force this on people.
It’s getting up for November now – anyone fancy burning an effigy of Jacqui Smith? That’s not illegal yet is it?
The British people have already had their freedom largely filched away by this despicably cowardly, Stalinist-minded government [many of whom were youthful communists of various stripes] because most people except a handful of us “couldn’t care less” in typical postmodernist fashion. We are far along the road to a Stasi-type society with everyone spying on, and suspicious of, everyone else.
Winston Churchill would have been aghast.