The Grand Plan Fails

Apparently, Eco-towns, one of the Gorgon’s grand schemes for control of the populace is facing difficulty:

Gordon Brown’s flagship plan to build a string of environmentally friendly ‘eco-towns‘ across Britain has been dealt a critical blow, with only two of the 10 sites promised now expected to be built.

The model green communities, where residents would be able to do without cars and grow their own food on allotments, were billed as the most imaginative answer to putting roofs over heads in half a century. But the plans are now in jeopardy thanks to a combination of the credit crunch, a collapsing construction industry and fierce local opposition.

I am encouraged by the fierce local opposition – even if it is likely to be NIMBYism rather than a more honourable objection to the model of subjugation and control that these ecofascist environments represent.

Still, take the good news where we can, eh?




  1. While well-intentioned, I too do not support overly regulated environments like this. Meaningful change will come in terms of economic and lifestyle incentives – not through the creation of pseudo-towns.

  2. I believe people should have the right to preserve their local environment, yes so yes, I do side with the NIMBYs most of the time. However, the opposition to this scheme should be more principled – these eco-towns involve massive and intrusive control over peoples’ daily lives that is why people should object.

  3. What they don’t seem to have thought about is… why on Earth would anyone want to live in such a prison-style regimented hellhole? If they like that kind of thing then surely Burma or North Korea would be a more appropriate place for them to reside.

  4. Well, generally, the people who like this kind of thing don’t actually plan to live there themselves. This is about keeping the proles in line, not the bosses.

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