L’été est arrivé

Summer in the Languedoc tends to arrive sometime in late April. We’ve had a wet spring this year, so the garden is doing well, although we were wondering just when summer would get its act together.

This past couple of weeks have seen it arrive in all its glory. Working in the garden is somewhat warm. The butterflies are out in large numbers too.

Hopefully, next time it will remain long enough for me to get a decent image of its wings.


  1. i oserved many butterflies in France. the fields were swarming with them in places. also crickets, lizards, hornets, the lot. a coypu feeding on watercress beside a little mediaeval bridge. an edible dormouse in a shed, a little nest of fibreglass insulation on top of the boiler, respected as a guest. the hedges really hummed with insect life. there were villages with immaculate little streams running through them, trout sunning themselves. back in the UK the countryside was very silent in comparison, and filthy with litter. and the council would be sued for not exterminating the dormice.
    you are a lucky bastard.

  2. Fantastic pic!

    Off topic, but have you seen Ken Frost’s latest post re motorcycling over at “Nanny Knows Best”?

  3. Thanks for the heads up. The motorcycle test has become steadily more absurd as the decades have gone on. I recall the infamous two part test back in the early eighties. A dreadful concept.

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