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Vive La France

February 26, 2024 Longrider 6

That’s how to do it. France has deported a Tunisian cleric who allegedly called the country’s flag satanic. Mahjoub Mahjoubi, 52, was flown to North Africa […]

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Good Grief

January 14, 2024 Longrider 20

They speak French in France. An American tourist who took a trip to France was left in tears as she said she felt “isolated” during her trip, despite wearing […]

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October 10, 2023 Longrider 9

As with all celebrities, it’s best they don’t open their mouths. David Mitchell is the latest. Comedian David Mitchell caused something of a stir at the weekend […]

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April 3, 2023 Longrider 7

I am not a bansturbator. I take the view that you live your life as you see fit, providing you do no harm. However, when […]

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April 9, 2022 Longrider 20

Le Pen might yet cause an upset in French politics. The National Rally leader has closed the gap on Macron as the country prepares to […]

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Non au Réveil

May 10, 2021 Longrider 8

The French are fighting back against the wokeist attempt to pervert their language. France has banned schools from using ‘gender neutral’ spellings, saying they are a […]

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May 6, 2021 Longrider 12

The French want to re-stage the battle of Trafalgar. French fishermen said they were ready to restage the Battle of Trafalgar as they descended on the […]

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It Isn’t Illogical

March 7, 2021 Longrider 14

Kim Wilsher bemoans the vaccine scepticism in France. She seems to think that it is illogical, then cites this: The reasons for French vaccine scepticism have already […]