Daniel Hannan and the NHS Row

I see that Daniel Hannan has stirred up a hornet’s nest over his comments in the USA on the NHS. I also observed with amusement some of the ill-informed comment made by those US campaigners against Obama’s health reforms. One laughable statement made to a BBC reporter on the television being that Britons have to wait several months for a dental appointment and have you seen British teeth? Well, old bean, most dentists in the UK are now private and our teeth may not be all even and pearly white, but unlike their US counterparts, they are, at least, natural. Given the choice between a fake, pearly white all even plastic American smile and an uneven natural one, I’ll choose the latter thanks all the same.

Anyway, I digress, back to Hannan…

I noted that there have been calls for him to be disciplined. Here we go again… Dare to voice an opinion that deviates from the accepted norm and the media frenzy gets all out of hand. It doesn’t matter whether Hannan’s opinions are right, wrong or “eccentric”. He voiced an opinion. In a free world people are allowed to do this without being disciplined. It’s called freedom of speech.

Timothy Kirkhope said Mr Hannan should be given a “stern talking-to” by the chief whip in Brussels…

Better a world without party whips than a world without political renegades such as Daniel Hannan.


  1. It can’t be stated often enough.

    These smears worked for Labour at a time when people were unaware of Labour’s erosion of free speech. It won’t work now.

    Glad to see that Dan has massive support; his detractors are voluble diehard lefties.
    .-= ´s last blog ..Things that enrage =-.

  2. This is just another example of the synthetic politics which is all we are served up with nowadays by the mainstream parties and the media – a storm in a teacup about nothing. Every time anyone says anything which slightly diverges from what their Dear Leaders think is proper, a frothing frenzy is whipped up by the lazy obedient commentariat.

    Who cares what stupid ignorant selfish Americans think about the NHS (or anything else for that matter). OK Bodwyn Wook – I don’t mean you!

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