Climate Change Religion

Well, we’ve been saying so for long enough…

In a landmark ruling, Mr Justice Michael Burton said that “a belief in man-made climate change … is capable, if genuinely held, of being a philosophical belief for the purpose of the 2003 Religion and Belief Regulations”.

The unexpected consequences of this ruling are that it confirms the sceptics’ view that AGW believers are behaving like believers in various gods. This individual spouted the usual “scientific consensus” nonsense when interviewed on the television, but I have an underlying feeling that this is all going to end in tears.

It will be interesting to see how this one fares at the tribunal. Not least because there is an inference that this was not because of Nicholson’s beliefs but something rather more fundamental.

But his beliefs led to frequent clashes with Grainger’s other managers, while he said that Rupert Dickinson, the firm’s chief executive, treated his concerns with “contempt”.

“Frequent clashes” probably being code for “behaved like an arsehole”. When at work, one is expected to behave in an appropriate manner and if the CEO treats your concerns with contempt, well, tough titty. Get over it. He is entitled to treat your concerns with contempt. If you behave like a dick on a mission and piss off your employers and colleagues, the employer may, perfectly reasonably, decide to do away with your services. ’Twas ever thus.


  1. “The unexpected consequences of this ruling are that it confirms the sceptics’ view that AGW believers are behaving like believers in various gods.”

    Some, at least, are realising this tribunal isn’t going to help their cause, exactly:

    Couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch of people!

    ““Frequent clashes” probably being code for “behaved like an arsehole”. “

    Oh, undoubtedly..!
    .-= My last blog ..First Rule Of Holes, Harry… =-.

  2. – Climate Change made the typhoons in the south pacific very destructive. Typhoon Ketsana made a lot of mess in Philippines and Vietnam

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