No. It. Is. Not.

The ultimate goal of government should be promoting wellbeing.

Catherine Bennett is unconvinced that “it is the state’s business to meet those psychological needs” that the Young Foundation’s recent research has highlighted. She suggests that “since no nice person would want to set their face against general wellbeing”, using wellbeing as a political goal is utterly devoid of meaning. This inadvertently raises a crucial question: what is the overall goal of politics?

Catherine Bennet is right to be unconvinced and “wellbeing” whatever that may turn out to be is none of government’s business, let alone the overall goal of politics. Government exists to conduct those affairs that we cannot manage individually. Criminal justice, defence, public utilities possibly. Very little else, frankly. But wellbeing? Jesus Christ!

Economic growth is the most common headline measure of political success. Combating problems such as poor mental health or income inequality, although dismissed by Bennett, might also be candidates.

No. They. Are. Not.

In fact none of these pass muster in the role of ultimate outcome for societies. When examined closely, it becomes clear that they are all different means to the end of wellbeing: enabling people to experience their lives going well.

Absolutely nothing to do with government – indeed all it will do is lead to the agents of the state involving themselves in the personal and private lives of citizens. Something that we are experiencing far too much of already. It isn’t up to government to involve itself with our lifestyles, whether we drink, smoke, eat fatty foods, exercise (or not) – or how much we do of any of these things.

 It is about a life well lived, not short-term happiness or pleasure seeking.

Actually, I consider my life well lived by enjoying short term pleasure seeking. Hedonism rules.

Anyway, on checking out Juliet Michaelson’s profile, we get this:

Juliet Michaelson is a project manager and researcher at the centre for well-being, nef

Well, there’s a surprise. Juliet, my wellbeing is no one’s business but mine. Not yours and not government’s. So fuck off and take your wellbeing with you.


Update: Oh, yeah, it looks as if nef might just be a fake charity. Am I surprised? Cynic, moi? Surely not.


  1. “Government exists to conduct those affairs that we cannot manage individually. Criminal justice, defence, public utilities possibly.”

    Agreed. And what is the purpose of doing these things? To enhance people’s well-being, in a general sort of way. So the original statement is too bland to actually criticise. The problem is that they think that the smoking ban enhances well-being, when it clearly doesn’t, so it’s not until you get into details that you can argue properly.

    In the spirit of being controversial, I would argue strongly that replacing as many taxes as possible with Land Value Tax would also enhance our well-being (as well as cutting taxes generally) but you as a land-owner would disagree with that (and the NEF as tax recipients would disagree as well).

    PS, NEF is very much a fakecharity,
    .-= My last blog ..Makes a change from cows… =-.

  2. My only objection to property taxes is the social engineering aspect along with ability to pay. I’ve been at the rough end of the latter myself.

    Otherwise, though, yes how do you define well-being? It is a bland statement and it is why in part I am so contemptuous of it. The best approach is to limit government activity to only those things necessary – not all the rest of the nonsense we are being plagued with of late.

  3. These are the daft pronouncements that derive from governments whose members have too much time on their hands and too much of our money at their disposal.

    If we taxpayers *insisted* that the budget be cut by 25% per year until it is an eighth of its current size, there’d be a greater likelihood of money being spent wisely.

    These profligate w*nkers have the whiff of Wesley (Atlas Shrugged) about them.
    .-= My last blog ..Extradited to US for selling natural remedies =-.

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