It’s Gays, Not Celibacy, Apparently.

Well, according to Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, that is.

The Holy See’s second-highest prelate after the Pope has blamed homosexuals for the paedophile crisis.

Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican’s Secretary of State, said that the child rape scandal that is threatening the moral authority of the Roman Catholic Church worldwide is linked to homosexuality and not celibacy among priests.

So there you have it, on the highest of authority. An expression springs to mind here; when in a hole, switch off the JCB.

Cardinal Bertone said: “Many psychologists and psychiatrists have demonstrated that there is no relation between celibacy and paedophilia. But many others have demonstrated, I have been told recently, that there is a relation between homosexuality and paedophilia. That is true. That is the problem.”

Or not…


  1. Doesn’t that just raise the question of a link between homosexuals and celibacy? If your religion tells you your sexuality is an abomination, wouldn’t you find the prospect of a vocation which by its nature forces you to repress that abomination pretty attractive? And if your religion tells you your sexuality is praiseworthy and commendable (within marital bounds) for furthering the species, wouldn’t you be vastly less likely to choose a career which by its nature prohibits you from doing your holy procreative duty?

    I mean really. The priesthood is practically designed to appeal to self-loathing deviants.*

    *The Catholic Church’s word, not mine.
    .-= My last blog ..Pollbomb part 2 =-.

  2. Interesting to note that there was a law in 10th Century Anglo saxon England which forbade priest to be alone with children. During the reign of Athelstan, Grandson of Alfred the Great. Just a historical observation
    .-= My last blog ..Just a thought =-.

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