Another Veggie Article

Another day, another veggie article on CiF. The title is a bit of a misnomer to the main thrust of the piece.

Veggies have a duty to say meat is still murder

And every time they do it, they piss off the rest of us. Way to win an argument, eh? That said, the article itself is not all that bad – Ellen acknowledges the point that all that eco-nonsense hasn’t been over good for the veggie cause. If someone is a veggie because they object to the slaughter of animals, that isn’t the same thing as cows belching methane and therefore, if the stuff about cows belching methane is undermined, then the core reason for being veggie remains; the slaughter of animals.

What always fascinates me is the usual predictable veggie – or vegan – whine in the comments to these articles about aggressive meat eaters. They do this without any sense of irony. Meat eaters do not write repeated articles for the Guardian hectoring everyone that they should adopt a meat eating lifestyle – for the planet, man. When was the last time a butcher penned an article for the Groan telling us we must all eat meat?

If meat eaters are aggressive to the veggies and vegans, it is a direct response to their self-righteous lecturing attempting to guilt trip us into adopting their preferred choices. Having done this, and not recognising how irritating it is, they then get offended when they are quite reasonably and predictably told to fuck off.

How odd…


  1. I’m an omnivore, I have the full set of incisors, canine and molar teeth, I’m designed to eat meat and veg, though I get more energy from meat per weight.
    So, aggressive veggies simply piss me off, I’ll cater for their needs if some come visiting with a vegetarian choice, will they offer me an omnivorous choice if I visit them?
    Will they hell as, damned fanatics.

  2. I would’nt mind veggies if they did’nt fart so much.
    They should be treated the same as smokers ,barred from
    enclosed areas.Many years I ended up on a Jumbo in Damascus
    en route from Dehli,the cuisine being mainly veggie,never again,my nose nearly melted.

    Homo Carnivorum

  3. Meat eaters do not write repeated articles for the Guardian hectoring everyone that they should adopt a meat eating lifestyle – for the planet, man.

    No, they do that in the Sunday Times:

    ‘Eat Meat and Save the Planet’ by John-Paul Flintoff, Sunday Times, 20/9/10 (p18)

  4. Me, I’m an each-according-to-their-conscience vegetarian, but I wonder how the omnivores among you feel about being silently served halal meat (in schools, hospitals, catering at race courses and the such like, according to callingengland’s blog)? Does it matter? From my perspective, there are better and worse ways to kill an animal, and one should always choose the one which causes the least suffering. Is my disgust at halal-approved slaughter methods a side-effect of three decades without fish or flesh in my diet?

  5. Macheath – I don’t buy print newspapers and I’m not going to pay for the online version, so I cannot comment about that article. All I can say, it it’s unusual. Is it a review of Fairlie’s book on the subject? The one that has got the Guardian people so upset – apart from Monbiot, it seems. That said, one article does not a summer make. The Groan has one every few weeks.

    PTB – Halal disgusts me. As I am not subjected to the places you mention, I’m unlikely to have eaten any.

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