This Rain-Soaked Little Island…

This rain-soaked little island set in a silver sea is not short of the odd drop of water. That doesn’t stop the green loonies thinking that we should all cut down, though.

The amount of water used by households in England should be cut by 20%, according to conservation groups.

A coalition including the National Trust, RSPB and World Wildlife Fund is calling on ministers to include the target in legislation being drawn up.

It also wants them to do more to reduce pollution of lakes and rivers, and make polluters pay for any damage caused.

The government said it would take the ideas into account when drawing up its White Paper on water management.

As Mark Wadsworth points out:

There’s a “should” in the headline, repeated in the first sentence, which is a signal that what you are about to read is complete fabricated bollocks.

Do we expect anything else these days?

Look, the UK is surrounded by the stuff. Gallons of it falls from the sky on a pretty much daily basis. Water is one commodity of which we are not short. If anything we have too much of it. There is a cost in collecting and distributing the stuff, but that doesn’t mean that it needs to be rationed. The effect we are having on the ecology is probably more to do with land development and the consequent loss of flood plains than it is to do with flushing the toilet more frequently than the water melons would approve. So once more we have the latest version of the doomsday cult trying to drag us back to the middle ages in order to satisfy their hair shirt fetish.

As they are pressing for water meters to be installed and Longrider Towers already has one, as for two people it is cheaper than water rates, the immediate effect on me and mine is likely to be minimal. We will continue to use water as we have always done.

As I look outside the window, it’s pissing down. Just thought I’d mention that 👿


  1. The ‘Guardian’ will immediately trumpet this as the way forward; expect to see a few CiF columns in the next month saying what a good idea it is.

    Myself, I think anything which encourages the great unwashed that join my Tube commute in the summer months to literally become the great unwashed – in order to save money – is going to be a calamity!

  2. Which is why places like Birmingham get their water from Wales, which, being in the west of the island and being mountainous gets all that rain sweeping in from the Atlantic. That there are regional variations is neither here nor there. The British Isles are awash with water – it’s why we refer to it as a green and pleasant land. Without rain – and lots of it – the countryside would not be so verdant.

    And, even if it stopped raining overnight, we are surrounded by the stuff. Water, we ain’t short of. If we are, it’s not supply that’s the problem, but husbandry.

  3. Actually, in some cases it is “supply” that is the problem.

    Like far too many serious leaks.

    The real problem is London – the biggest city, in the driest area, coupled with the aforementioned leaks.

  4. That’s down to poor management, not a lack of water. And that is not a justification for rationing, which is what the various fake charities are champing at the bit for.

  5. Well, what fucks me off, is on one hand you have the green clowns complaining that we use too much water, and on the other, you have the recycling green clowns telling you you have to wash your bottles and tins out so they are sparkly when they can industrially wash recycling far more effectively and cheaply.


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