If Ever There Was Doubt

A little while back I commented that those seeking political power should have some life experience behind them –  having worked and therefore seen and suffered at first hand the myriad legislation and petty regulation made by people who never have to endure the consequences of their legislative diarrhea.

What is needed –  if we need these people at all –  are people with some maturity. And Joe Lock makes the case perfectly. Here we have an immature twenty-five year old, still wet behind the ears who hasn’t yet learned the art of diplomacy. A man who thinks that he has the right attributes to represent others, yet cannot even represent himself adequately out in the adult world. He’s barely left school and going by his puerile behaviour still belongs there. And people will vote for this imbecile? Frankly, he doesn’t appear to have the competence to wield his own vote, let alone ask for those of others.

Oh, and which party is fielding this candidate?

Mr Lock, 25, was chosen earlier this year as the Labour candidate for next Thursday’s election. He was described by the local Labour MP Albert Owen as representing a “new politicised generation”.

Well, ain’t that a surprise. As for the new politicised generation, for the most part all I see is economic illiteracy and a desire to spend other people’s money on themselves and their wants. If Mr Lock is representative of the new politicised generation, Lord help us all –  we will be needing it when he and his cronies enter Westminster. And you thought things couldn’t get worse?

As an aside, the offense taking indulged in by his political opponents does them no favours either.


  1. “Mr Lock, who has taken time off from being a mature politics student for the election, was given the unanimous backing of the Ynys Mon Labour party to be their candidate at a meeting in February.”

    Never was a person so inappropriately described…

  2. By their Facebook page and tweets shall we truly know them, the modern version of in vino veritas.

  3. A substantial portion of the population are not super-young. 30 something would seem a good age for going into politics first, aftr maybe setting up a company or practising law for a few years.

  4. Ynys Mon is Anglsea … almost totally inbred, and this twerp is probably an Plaid Cymru reject.
    Which tells you all you don’t want to know!

  5. No experience of real life at all, just inbred politics.
    I’ve felt for a while that no-one should be allowed to stand for parliament unless they are over 40 and have worked in the real world outside of parliament for at least 10 years. Nor would spads or lobbyists etc. be allowed to stand unless they had worked 10 years in the real world after leaving Westminster.

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