The Charles de Gaulle

The BBC has a piece up about the flagship of the French navy –  an aircraft carrier called the Charles de Gaulle. Britain no longer has this capacity. The Royal Navy is no longer supreme. The French Navy rules the waves now and is the only NATO navy with this capability, Aunty tells us (I think they mean European).

That whirring noise you hear is Admiral Lord Nelson…


  1. The Charles De Gaulle has always suffered from major gearbox problems and used to regularly be in dock out of commission.

    Hear it went great in reverse though 😉

  2. Cameron, Brown, Blair, Major, Thatcher
    (AND all their defence ministers) are TRAITORS.
    The penalty for treason is death.

    The rot started with the madwoman from Grantham’s defence cuts – which got us the Falklands War.
    Everyone since has continued this suicidal course.


  3. Never mind, the British infantry is recruiting foreigners at full tilt, so they will be handy for internal security duties here if we ever rebel agianst the traitors in charge of us.

  4. HMS Ocean is a helocopter carrier, not a fixed wing aircraft carrier. However the BBC is utterly wrong about the Charles de Gaul being the only carrier in NATO. The USA is in NATO and has more aircraft carrier capacity than the rest of the world put together, but then this is the BBC so they are not going to willingly print anything good about the USA.

  5. Gordo.

    We’ve been recruiting foreigners for ages. Remember that fragrant Ms Lumleys recent campaign? Also there are more Irish in the British Army than in the Irish Army.

    Still, I’m sure the Chinese will sell us some aircraft carriers at very reasonable prices.

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