Oh, For Crying Out Loud!

Matthew Goodwin opines in the telegraph.

Some will argue that devoting more resources to a historically weak movement is unnecessary; that one lone wolf in Norway does not call for a complete overhaul in our current approach.

It doesn’t.

Expect more of this codswallop in the weeks to come.






  1. Wow! The comments that follow that piece make those in the Guardian look positively passive.

    What a bunch of dull reactionary dullards.

  2. If the BNP et al. didn’t exist then they would have to invent them. Our establishment (whether self defined as ‘right’ or ‘left’) has to have these imagined all powerful demons to combat. It’s all so depressing.

  3. My concern for the longer term is that Norway will become a haven for the anti gun nuts.

    Right now it’s more important that the Police are able to get to the bottom of this.

    As for the victims and their families, although it won’t seem like much consolation at this time, but (as my sister in law will agree) Norway is probably the most advanced of all countries when it comes to mental health issues.

    Norway will come through this difficult time of course – I simply hope that it is not at any cost to the freedoms they have left.

  4. That is very very stupid. Though, Norway will get out of this difficult times and situations. I’m sorry to see these people do exist, real idiots.

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