We Don’t Know

The BBC expends much effort in coming to the conclusion that we don’t know what causes addiction. It’s a misleading headline (Why do some people become addicts?) as people might be fooled into clicking on it in the hope of finding enlightenment on a subject that has defeated man for generations. Has Auntie finally discovered something that has been eluding us all this time? Fear not, no answers to be found here.

I’ve been exposed to the addictive personality and I have as much understanding of it as anyone with similar first-hand experience. However, what I don’t know and can never know is what goes on inside the mind of the addict –  the convoluted justifications, warped world view and denial that takes place, not to mention the pain, lack of self-esteem and sheer self-destructiveness. And it is only the addict who can make that first step towards recovery, a process that is lifelong.

We don’t know, for example, just how much of the condition is psychological and how much –  if at all –  is physiological.

So, yes, we don’t know. And now we have it in writing from the BBC. Jolly good.


  1. Well said. In my experience, as the non-addict, you either get dragged down with them or you walk away, in great sadness, but for your own self-preservation. But whether it’s cause or effect, an addict who’s practising or sober is a profoundly unhappy, damaged individual, despite the fact that they can also be incredibly gifted and enchanting.

  2. I’m very glad for you. In my case, the addict was full-on self-destruct and replaced one addiction with two subsequent ones. But for yours to turn out well proves ‘we don’t know’. And likely never will.

  3. P J O’Rourke made the most telling comment about psychology students. “People do stuff. We don’t know why. Test on Friday.”

    So it is with addictive personalities. Apart from the test of course. 😈

  4. Depends on the addiction. Can be esteem issues but sometimes what’s the difference between addiction and fanaticism, e.g. for your football club? The type of addiction this is is esteem – she was said to have been looking for love.

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