Quote of the Day

From Richard Wallace giving evidence at the Leveson Inqury:

Asked about bloggers, Wallace says: “The out and out cowboys – I don’t see in the long term they can survive … people want information that is competent and true.”

This from someone representing an industry that routinely dissembles, engages in churnalism, publishes lies, dodgy statistics, junk science and outright garbage as if it is fact and will, given half the opportunity, engage in criminal activity to get a story.

He says that the Mirror is a trusted brand.



  1. A trusted brand?

    It certainly is. It has nice absorbent paper and your finger doesn’t go through it when you cut it into squares and hang it on a hook on the back of the lavatory door.

  2. So when the ‘Tabloid Watch’ blog picks up on all the DTP’s made up stories, non stories, general lies and science stories that they make a hash of because they are too thick to understand them, it is TW that are getting their facts wrong?

    I love it when the Dead Tree Press ‘break’ a story that I read about on a blog ages ago. Like the one about the conversation between a clever dick cyclist with a camera on his helmet, and a slightly inept copper. I saw this video on a blog at least a year ago but according to the Telegraph it is news.

  3. While interacting with another blog I actually had cause to research the date of the cyclist/copper video, it was posted on 31/03/2011. So my ‘at least a year ago’ was a slight exaggeration but it could hardly be called news.

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