
So some new research

New research casts doubt on the idea that women can cope better with pain than men.

Anyone who drops by here regularly will be aware that I am generally sceptical of research published in the media. However, this statement has a ring of truth. The idea that one sex had a different response to pain always struck me as a bit of an old wives’ tale. I have been living with low level pain pretty much most of my adult life. A slight spine curvature means that neck pain –  and at one time migraines –  was an ongoing problem. My back is usually aching and sciatica is a fairly regular problem, not to mention the headaches (not migraine). Yeah, I know, I sound like an old crock ready for the knacker’s yard. Well, actually, I cope with it without complaint. I am aware of the low level pain, but have grown so used to it, that it is now almost an old friend.

The point is, one’s propensity for dealing with pain will vary from one individual to another and to an extent, we can adjust ourselves to manage it. It really isn’t as simple as men are wimps who feel pain whereas women aren’t –  or, as this press release suggests, the opposite for some ailments.

They say more research is needed into why men and women seem to experience pain differently.


But, then, I would say that, wouldn’t I? But then, as far as I am concerned, man flu is an absurd myth.

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  1. “Women cope better with pain than men” is the kind of oversimplified generalisation that would have the Feminists up in arms if a man said anything similar. It’s like “multi tasking, while a man focuses on what he is doing and gets it does a woman’s butterfly mind tells her she can do six things at one.
    With the inevitable consequences.

  2. A friend works in a large department, mostly staffed by women. He wrote a simple program comparing male vs female sick leave.

    Women take Waaaaay more, to the order of about 250%.

  3. I can second SAOT. Have a look at the figures for use of the NHS (that includes GP visits etc.), women use the vast majority of the services provided (compare budgets too, the advertising budget for the biggest female oncological killer, breast cancer, is bigger than the entire budget for the males biggest killer, prostate cancer).

    It’s just another of those ‘women are better’ memes, you know women cope better with pain, complain less when ill, can multitask, are better organised, are less violent,… are just all round better than any scummy man.

    It’s always been that way. Look at advertisements and films, if theres a stupid, incompetent or simply bad person, it’s a man. Listen to popular songs, women suffer terrible heartache, that no man can ever understand when jilted, etc. Just don’t even think to start me on the courts, social workers or the feminist movement!

    Oh and anyone who disagrees with the assumption that all this is true? Well, obviously he’s an inadequate, misogynistic man of course!

    My one conclusion from all this? That women are inordinately insecure (as a group, not individuals) and complete hypocrites (equality any one?).

  4. Given that women moan like f*ck about just about everything else, it is stretching credulity to believe that they become stoics in the face of pain.

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