Made Up Statistic of the Day

Failure to reform alcohol laws could lead to 210,000 preventable deaths in England and Wales in the next 20 years, doctors have warned.

Given the medical profession’s propensity for plucking numbers out of its collective arsehole, I guess it comes as no surprise to see the addict is still craving yet more attention with the latest invented scare figures. The reality is simply that they do not know how many alcohol related deaths will occur in the next twenty years –  not least that the means of measuring alcohol related deaths involves making the figures up to suit their preferred prejudices. I suppose, given that the methodology is changing, thereby removing the constant drip feed of nasty made-up statistics, the addict is reaching out in vain for any contaminated fix he can find, eh?

Unlike the fuzzy, surreal, delusional world inhabited by the health Nazi addicts, in the real world, alcohol consumption is falling.


  1. I’m tempted to give up arguing, but I won’t.
    I drink. I drink alcohol because I enjoy what it does to my brain especially after a very hard day’s work. It relaxes me, takes away all of my stress and returns me to the normal human state.
    I do not want to be nudged, prodded or coerced into behaving differently. I have chosen the way I want to behave and I consider that my choice is right for me.
    I do not want nor do I need anyone telling me how I should live my life. It is MY life. Leave me alone to live it as I want to.
    Get the fuck out of my face before I do something which I might later be punished for, but which I would NEVER regret.

  2. Whenever I read this sort of thing, I am comforted by the thought that my hardest drinking, heaviest smoking friend is a consultant.

  3. “210,000 preventable deaths . . in the next 20 years”

    Small change compared to the number who will likely die over the same period from medical cock-ups, MRSA, etc. while in hospital.

  4. You do of course realise that thes figures are “Onageristic estimates”. “Onager” being derived from the Greek name for a wild ass and an “estimate” being the scientific term for a guess. 😉

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