How the Antis Think

Dick Puddlecote has catalogued the psychotic insanity of the rabid anti-smoker. Today we see another example of the breed from Captain Ranty. These people have been allowed to fester and nourish their antisocial behaviour by a succession of governments listening to and pandering to the anti-smoking lobby and fake charities such as ASH. Be under no illusion, these people are evil –  pure evil.

If you read the exchange over at Ranty’s you will not see a rational argument put forward by a thoughtful proponent, rather you will see unreasoning hatred dribbled out by a cretin who has only logical fallacy to back up his weak argument –  what argument there is, that is…

And when I use the word “think” in the title, I use it in the loosest possible sense.

1 Comment

  1. I have just been reading Capn Ranty. I totally agree.

    One of the really evil things that ASH ET AL have done is to so exaggerated everything that many ordinary people are terrified. They have also connived to mislead their supporters into extreme attitudes. I believe that many politicians are themselves misled into believing that voters want bans and so they have to go along with them – as well as being mis-informed themselves.

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