
While I have often complained about the push for us to “celebrate” the gayers –  I don’t and I won’t –  the other side of the coin is capable of equally daft behaviour.

Apparently if same sex marriage becomes a reality, then classrooms will be awash with it as teachers will be forced to teach it.

Parents will be powerless to prevent their children being taught about gay marriage at school if ministers press ahead with plans to legalise the move, it has been claimed.

Aidan O’Neill QC has provided the Catholic Church with a legal opinion stating that equality laws mean teachers will be forced to emphasise the validity of same-sex marriages.

Mothers and fathers with “traditional and often religiously-based views” will be “hard pressed” to insist that their offspring are educated in line with their convictions, he said.

The Catholic Church in Scotland, which commissioned the opinion, said it raised the prospect of classrooms being “flooded” with teaching materials promoting gay marriage.

Really? Flooded? Promoting? Is it me or do I detect a whiff of the bovine excrement here, lightly laced with just a soupçon of hysteria? Do teachers currently flood the classroom with propaganda promoting marriage?

Okay, a part of me feels like invoking a pox on both their houses as we have two sides of a very silly argument, neither of whom engender the slightest sympathy from me –  both are as bad as each other, frankly. But this one is just plain absurd, reeking as it does of desperation.

What we should be doing is getting the state and all of its tentacles out of a contract that is between two people and is nothing to do with anyone else.

That would be just too simple, though.


  1. XX Parents will be powerless to prevent their children being taught about gay marriage at school if ministers press ahead with plans to legalise the move, it has been claimed.XX

    Given teachers proven inability to teach even what they are SUPOSSED to teach these days, I don’t think the church, catholic or any other hobby direction, has anything to worry about

    XX Do teachers currently flood the classroom with propaganda promoting marriage? XX

    We have just recently seen that the queers think it is propoganda against them because the Queen ( 🙄 ) does NOT mention them individually in speeches.

    So teachers don’t have to promote anything, the fact they don’t specifically promote pricks up arses, and strapadicktamie’s, is enough for queers to consider it “anti gay propoganda”.

    • Given teachers proven inability to teach even what they are SUPOSSED to teach these days, I don’t think the church, catholic or any other hobby direction, has anything to worry about

      There is that…

  2. ‘Do teachers currently flood the classroom with propaganda promoting marriage?’
    Perhaps not, but they certainly do seem to flood it with CAGW propaganda, which, unlike marriage, has (or had) similar “cause-du-jour” status to gay marriage.

  3. This is the RC church, right?
    The organisation that makes even the various communist religious factions look like they are nice to know?
    That still has mass-murderers on its’ saints list?
    That has conspired over the centuries to rape and enslave many thousands of children of both sexes?

    How can you tell an RC priest, or someone paid by the RC church is lying?
    Their lips are moving.

  4. Whenever the Catholic church objects to something, I like to ask ‘is what they are objecting to worse than covering up generations of child abuse, or campaigning for policies that will definitely cause lots more poor people to contract AIDS and die’.

    If I ever get the chance to answer that with a ‘yes’ then I *might* just be tempted to agree with them.

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