1. What camera do you use?

    I have digital, but find it too bloody slow for animal shots, or even people in “street scene” shots. By the time it’s farted about getting the focus, and told you how many bloody faces it can see, then picks the film speed, appature, etc, etc, I have gone away, had a beer and a smoke, and come back, before it is ready to take an actual PHOTO. 😕

    Severly unimpressed with digital for “live” shots.

  2. Wish I could take pictures of my cat. Problem is she’s totally and utterly black so unless the sun is shining directly on her, it’s hard to make out her shape – especially when she sleeps in a ball.

    • Hmm, black cat, difficult to see, doesn’t appear in photo’s, I think you may have a familiar !

  3. My water-lilies are also flowering, and, when it isn’t pissing down, the Large Red Damselflies are about.
    ( & the newts & frogs, of course )

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