
From London to Sydney, they had waited patiently for hours – with many camping out for days decking specially made outfits.

But at 8am in each of their countries, the vigil was finally over for Apple fans today as the iPhone 5 went on sale around the world.

All of which just goes to show that there is no limit to the gullibility and stupidity of mankind. It’s just a mobile phone. One that these same people will junk as soon as the next new shiny toy becomes available. One that is no better or worse than other offerings on the market. And, in particular, one that will be freely available to buy just by walking into the shop at any old time in a week or two.

Pathetic doesn’t even begin to describe this cult.


  1. And if they waited until the next Iphone came out they’d find the one they wanted going at cheaper price. It’s really nothing more than electronic willy waving. ‘Oooh look what I’ve got’ sort of thing.

      • That’s precisely what it is. It’s just another gadget. Other manufacturers can do the same job just as well, maybe even better. At least my hardware manufacturer doesn’t try to control the software I run on it.

  2. I’ve never really seen the point of ‘smartphones’. I have computers (laptop and desktop) which give me internet access, email etc, and a mobile phone which can make and receive calls and texts. I don’t need internet access when I’m working – I don’t have the time. My phone is a Nokia ‘builders phone’, and is waterproof, dustproof and virtually indestructible, (but without looking like a JCB) which suits me as my work (I have a carpentry business) is often rough and dusty.

    An i-phone wouldn’t last me five minutes.

    • I have a smartphone for two reasons. Firstly the large screen is helpful for eyes that aren’t as young as they once were and secondly, the nature of my work means I can remain in contact with clients when I’m out and about, which is most of the time.

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