One Trick Pony

When faced with a deficit of the folding stuff, there are two possible methods of dealing with it –  increase income or reduce spending, or, of course, a combination of both. It’s a painful lesson I’ve had to deal with this past couple of years and we are in the final week of the aftermath. Anyway, I digress. Politicians –  varlets, charlatans, thieves and mountebanks to a man and woman –  when faced with this dilemma always, always, resort to stealing more of other peoples’ money. Without fail.

Individuals with assets of more than £1m face a new crackdown on tax avoidance, Lib Dem Treasury Chief Secretary Danny Alexander has revealed.

Ah, yes, the laffer curve be damned, let’s squeeze the rich (and rich is such a fluid term, is it not?). And what are we going to do in order to squeeze these people?

The number of people working in the Affluence Unit (AU) of HM Revenue and Customs is to increase from 200 to 300, to cope with the additional workload.

Yup, that’s right, we are going to piss even more money up the wall employing more civil servants in order to steal more money from other people. Nice to see the politics of envy and waste is alive and well.

These people are evil. There is no other word to describe them.

Mr Alexander said the 100 additional AU staff would cross-reference files and records to spot signs of avoidance.

So what part of avoidance being legal do these nasty, greedy, avaricious little cretins not understand? Avoidance is not only legal, it is a sacred duty to keep as much money away from these wastrels as is humanly possible. Taking a cleaver to government departments en masse is the way to go. That way they won’t need as much. Doing away with politicians will be a sound start, frankly.


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