Blessed are the Cheese Makers

For they shalt use salt in their cheese.

Large amounts of unnecessary salt are being added to cheese, the health pressure group Consensus Action on Salt and Health (Cash), has warned.

The group analysed 722 cheese portions of 30g each and found many contained more salt than a bag of crisps.

Given that this is none of this nasty little fake charity’s business, I would say; “so what?” And I would say it while munching my cheese sandwich.

The saltiest type was roquefort at 1.06g per 30g. But within varieties salt content varied – suggesting it is possible to reduce levels.

Having spent a significant amount of time in France, I have to admit to being partial to a spot of roquefort. So I do hope those French cheese makers stick to their recipes. The amount of salt is not unnecessary, it is there to provide the unique flavour as well as to slow down the bacteria that form during the curding process –  without it, the cheese wouldn’t mature. It is also a preservative. In other words, it is very necessary. A world of food with the CASH approved amounts of salt would be a dull, cardboard tasting world where we all die of salt deficiency.

CASH is another of those evil fake charities that steals our money and uses it to badger and hector us over the obsessive single issue beloved of its founders. That none of it –  absolutely none of it –  is any of their damned business seems to have bypassed them. And why not? There’s a mountain of cash to be had at our expense and they are greedily snaffling it as it is ripped from our pockets by hmg and handed out to these charlatans.

I ignore the recommended guidelines issued by these nasty people because, unlike them, I have a basic understanding of biology. Any excess is excreted. I do not have any pre-existing hypertension, so I can –  and will –  consume as much salt as I damned well please.

Pass the gorgonzola, if you will…


  1. I made beans on toast the other day and it tasted like utter shite. 😡

    I fished the tine out of the bin to discover that it featured ‘reduced salt and sugar’. 🙄

    I will NEVER knowingly buy another Heinz product.

  2. Correct me if I am wrong, but isnt CASH a one man band… I am sure I read somewhere that it is the work of one single issue hand waving prodnose..

  3. “The group analysed 722 cheese portions….”

    Give me bloody strength! In my line of work I make it possible for consumers to collect tokens for a fuzzy bear or something. My job contributes very little to society and when I’m gone, no one will remember what it was I did.

    If I ever sunk so low though, that my working day consisted of analysing cheese for salt, I think I would consider ending it all.

    I can’t beleive that these cretins think their actions are actually a public good. They seem to work on the premise that more must simply equal bad. How much salt is actually in a packet of crisps?

    • Not everyone is as reasonable as you; if those doing the testing truly subscribe to the faith and their one true aim is to cast out the four horsemen of the dietary apocalypse (Salt, Sugar, Alcohol and Saturated fat, or, as we know them collectively, ‘taste’), then testing cheese is a holy mission;
      ‘Bring it on, brother; the more the better!’

  4. Have you noticed how ‘the bag of crisps’ has become a unit of measure like the double decker bus, Olympic size swimming pool, football field and Nelson’s Column?

    We be too stoopid to understand stuff, else, if the grown ups diddunt giv us things wot we can realate to – innit.

  5. Mmmm! Gorgonzola! Roquefort! Yummy! I tend to buy the slightly inferior Gorgonzola as it’s half the price of Roquefort here. I don’t think you need to worry about the French cheese producers taking any notice of this salt claptrap. They see food as a cultural thing.

    I remember reading years ago in the Telegraph about how a reporter had been dispatched across the Channel to gauge reactions to the recent EU mandate that all cheese must be displayed in refrigerated cabinets. He went to a well known cheese market in Normandy, and found that one of the biggest and most famous cheese sellers there did not have his cheese in the regulation refrigerated cabinet. Our reporter asked what happened when the food inspector came round. The reply: “Ah, but ze inspector, he loves cheese…”

  6. I can imagine the French response to the rostbif; va tu fair futre, conart! I adore Roquefort as do many millions of French people and should this idiot get any purchase with govt. on this, watch the E.U. swing into action a la minimum pricing for alchohol.

  7. I think these people (person?) should be sunjected to Stinking Bishop!

    Actually, I have to take EXTRA salt with my food, since it is all home-prepared, & if I don’t I get salt-depletion cramps in my legs.

  8. From the CASH website we learn that “CASH is successfully working to reach a consensus with the food industry and Government”. In other words it’s lobbying to change government policy ie CASH is political not wholly charitable. I think a complaint to the Charities Commission is in order if the new head of the Commission means what he says.

  9. Given that this is none of this nasty little fake charity’s business, I would say; “so what?” And I would say it while munching my cheese sandwich

    The so what is in the medically demonstrable fact that a high salt and sugar diet leads to many otherwise preventable maladies, such as increased risk of strokes. Salt is most often used as a cheap preservative and is used because it is cheap. Any sensible society will seek to regulate levels of salt in food, particularly processed food.

    • Sigh…

      The correlation between salt intake and hypertension was noticed in the 1940s. Unfortunately, the medical establishment has consistently failed to recognise that correlation is not the same thing as causation.

      The whole pile of shite was debunked by Dr David McCarron who found that salt intake is determined by human appetite, which makes sense given that our bodies excrete any excess.

      If you suffer from hypertension, then a high salt diet is inadvisable. If not, there is no problem.

      Any sensible society will seek to regulate levels of salt in food, particularly processed food.

      Any sensible society will recognise that what an individual puts into their mouth is their business and theirs alone. If you feel that processed foods contain too much salt for you, then don’t eat it. Problem solved. Meanwhile, I want my cheese left alone by these charlatans and I’ll have as much salt as I please. My life, my choice, my health – fuck all to do with society, government or fake charities.

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