That’s Some Revisionism, There

Everything that’s wrong it’s all the fault of the Normans

William the Conquerer’s descendants are still doing well out of a land grab that created the unequal England we know today.

I’ve read some arse wibble in the pages of the Grauniad in my time (and I probably deserve a medal), but Paul Kingsnorth’s pathetic, spiteful, envious whinge just about takes the biscuit.

There really isn’t much else to say –  except to point and laugh. And, no, I don’t think I’ll be bothering to read his novel.


    • Perhaps if the clans hadn’t followed Bonnie Prince Charlie, the land grab wouldn’t have happened – along with the slaughter at Culloden and the subsequent executions and expulsions.

        • It was an act of conquest – on a people who had themselves previously conquered the Britons. The concept of it being a crime simply didn’t exist at the time. Hence; no crime has been committed. To apply 21st Century sensibilities on medieval kings is revisionism of the worst kind.

  1. Give him his proper title, PLEASE!

    William the bastard.

    But, IIRC from the dark and distant past of my wiking studies (which he was, although a bit removed, part of (When the last gasp)) he actualy had a legal claim on England.

    (“Anglo Saxon England” O.U.P)

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