Up Yours, CASH

Eating Roquefort cheese could help guard against cardiovascular disease despite its high fat and salt content, according to new research that suggests why the French enjoy good health.

So CASH, that insidious single issue fake charity that seems to think our eating habits are any of its concern –  and took a pot shot at French cheese the other week –   can go take the proverbial running jump. I fully intend to continue eating French cheese and will live forever. Well, nearly forever, anyway. And if I don’t, I’ll go happy.

They added: “Molded cheeses, including Roquefort, may be even more favourable to cardiovascular health.”

Roquefort, which is thought to have been discovered in about 79AD, is noted for its sharp, tangy, salty flavour and its rich, creamy texture.


H/T Macheath via email. Yes, I did miss it, thanks.


  1. Give me Wensleydale, Danish, or Bayarisch blue ANY day!!!

    Although I DO miss a good Cheshire or Lancashire cheddar cheese.

    The sort of cheese that BURNS! (On BOTH ends! 😀 )

  2. I didn’t eat any cheese today, but I DID have Marmite on toast. Isn’t Marmite classified as a health risk now because of its high sodium content?

    I also ate a bacon sandwich and had a can of cider earlier. I’m obviously going to die, DIE I tell you!

    What the hell – I was always going to die anyway, but cod liver oil capsules might help keep my heart healthy for now…if I don’t overdose on vitamin A, that is.

    Breakfast tomorrow will be cheese on toast, I think. With a sprinkling of salt, pepper and Encona hot pepper sauce. Yum!

  3. Dear Longrider

    Their acronym spells it out – C A S H – they’re in it for the money, and they have become so accustomed to it that they think that they can get away with rubbing the taxpayers’ collective nose in it with such blatant initials. Nothing like hiding their real motives in plain sight.

    Do they think we are all stupid?*


    * Obviously they do.

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