The Tax Man Cometh

Yes, I got one of these this morning.

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) is sending hundreds of thousands of taxpayers an unwelcome letter this Christmas and New Year, telling them they will be fined £1,300 or more.

Delightful. Did it make me feel all warm and cosy thinking about the money this reprehensible organisation steals from us? Nope. Indeed, I will do this year as I have always done; leave it to the very last minute. I will do so with the knowledge that I don’t owe the bastards a penny. Actually, given that I have never filed late, I’m not sure why I’m on their hit list but then, incompetence is rife in government organisations.

“The new penalty regime however is considerably more aggressive and penalties could very quickly run into the thousands with further penalties such as interest and surcharges on top.”

A timely reminder –  if we needed one –  that the state is not your friend. It is the enemy (a particularly malevolent one at that) and we should never, ever forget it.


  1. Again, it is a case of them getting awy with it because NO bastard, and more to the point not ENOUGH bastards, tell them to “go and take a flying fuck laddie!”

    It was the same with motorbike helmets. It is the same with “no smoking” pubs, and now this.

    You do not need to “take up arms”, you just need to say “FUCK OFF!”

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