Dhimmi for a Day

Apparently today is World hijab Day.

World Hijab Day calls on non-Muslim women to try out life under the traditional head scarf. Can it lead to more religious tolerance and understanding?

Thankfully, Mrs L has eschewed this fad and has gone off to work with her hair on full display. Neither of us are dhimmis and both of us understand all we need to about the religion of peace. More understanding, we do not need and kowtow to it we will not.


  1. But I wouldn’t mind a proper Hermes scarf, like wot the Queen wears. If it’s good enough Her Maj, it’s good enough for me. We have excellent silk scarf manufacturers here but I’m sorry to say I’ve missed the limited edition Barbara Coupe ones printed with a map of the British Isles.

  2. Ah, but a lot of “H” scarves are worn round the neck or over the shoulders…
    HMQ’s collection is supposed to be the largest in existence outsdie the maufactorers’ own museum!
    The boss collects them – expensive.

    • I want to know what it’ll be “Love Israel” day in Hamas-administered Gaza, or when it will be “Religious Freedom Day” or “No Marrying Off and Raping Children” day in Saudi Arabia, or “Miniskirt Day” in Afghanistan, or…

      This is a deliberate and blatant piece of dawah (Islamic proselytising) by Islamic organisations. Why is it that the kuffar have to accommodate the wicked ‘faith’/violent death cult/totalitarian supremacist political ideology that is Islam?

      Frankly, I am disgusted by the Bee Bee Cee even letting this fly, but we all know how anti-Israel and anti-West (as well as pro-EU) that organisation is.

      Balls to them. I would probably vote for Pat Condell or Oskar Freysinger if either were standing in my constituency.

  3. Dhimmi for a Day

    That word always puts me in mind of that great little vid (sorry, don’t have the link) that was doing the rounds on you-tube a while back where a young, feisty (and quite attractive, it has to be said) American woman was tearing pages out of a Koran and burning them, meanwhile keeping up a running commentary on the poison that was written on the pages she was burning. It made me chuckle the way she delivered the “You can stick your dhimmitude up your ass” line. 😈

  4. I showed this to my misses. Her answer?

    “Geh fick dich, arscloch!”

    (Go and fuck yourself, arsehole!)

    I think that was a pretty clear comment. 🙄

    • What has been suggested is that the woman who was attacked was Nigerian. As people know, half of the country in Nigeria is Christian, the other half is of the Religion of Peace. It seems (though it’s not confirmed, I don’t think) that she may well be of Christian stock.

      Have you any more input on this case? It seems that this lady was followed around for hours before she was attacked.

  5. @nisakiman
    I remember that video too. The main target of her ire was a politician who was suggesting that the burning of holy books needed to be banned. She also invited any offended Muslims to come and get her. Of course she also had an enourmous arsenal in her garage.

    As for the subject of the OP. I shave my head. Is anyone going to hold a national shave your head day to promote better understanding between shaved head guys and everyone else?

  6. You’re going to love this.


    ” Footage of a Saudi cleric calling for all female babies to have their faces covered with the burkha has surfaced. Sheikh Abdullah Daoud delivered the fatwa on Islamic al-Majd TV and stressed his belief the veil would protect baby girls from being sexually molested. ”

    ” Sheikh Mohammad al-Jzlana, a former judge at the Saudi Board of Grievances, told the channel the ruling was “denigrating to Islam and Shariah and made Islam look bad.” ” 😆

    Although, this part…not so much.

    ” He said: “There is no minimal age for entering marriage. You can have a marriage contract even with a one-year-old girl, not to mention a girl of nine, seven or eight. This is merely a contract [indicating] consent.”

    ” While Daoud’s comments were made in October last year, they have been revisited in light of the verdict against a Saudi cleric accused of raping and torturing his five-year-old daughter to death. According to the Associated Press, Fayhan al-Ghamdi was ordered to pay $50,000 “blood money” to the slain girl’s mother, but was spared a jail sentence. He is said to have questioned the girl’s virginity. Under Saudi Arabian Islamic law, a father cannot be executed for murdering his children or his wife. “

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