Oh, Do Just…

Fuck off!

Prof David Haslam, from the National Obesity Forum, said: “It is totally irresponsible and sending out the wrong message.”

“It should be banned. You can’t eat a meal the size of a baby if you want to stay healthy, but if restaurants won’t stop providing it, we need to educate the customer not to eat it.”

Another purse lipped killjoy out to dictate to the rest of us what we can and cannot eat. And if we don’t behave, it should be banned –  the knee-jerk response of the terminally authoritarian when faced with disobedience to his diktat. There you have it; government dictated portion sizes… FFS! What a deeply unpleasant little man Prof Haslam is. Has he nothing better to do with his time than hector and lecture us about our diets?

As the cafe owner points out; it’s a bit of a lark. Only one person has managed to down the Kidz Breakfast in the hour allotted. People know what they are getting into and as he reminds us 99% of people understand the game for what it is. The 1% being totalitarian fuckwits like Prof David Haslam.

Long may Martin Smith serve up his outsized breakfasts and long may his customers try to consume them. I wouldn’t get a quarter of the way through that lot, so wouldn’t try, but each to his own. And each to his own is a lesson Prof David Haslam would do well to observe.


  1. Why does someone not take these bastards down a dark alley, and give them a good lecture about health from Dr Martin?

  2. He’s (perhaps deliberately) forgotten that the meal is probably ordered by a large group of men looking for a laugh on holiday. If one of those Kidz Breakfasts was shared between six, seven or eight people, it’s hardly going to put massive amounts of weight on someone.

  3. YUMMY!!!! I once ate 5 ( 3 before going to the pub and 2 on the way home afterwards ) large Donner Kebabs after having supper when living at my folks when I was 20 years old. I would have had a go at that breakfast back then but not now, 30 + years on I cannot get through 2 Donner Kebabs. 🙁

    • A typical Saturday for me 25 years ago consisted of:
      Fry-up at local caff;
      2-3 pints in local, couple of packets of crisps;
      Burger or pie outside football;
      Possibly a second pie at half time;
      2 pints on way back to town;
      Chips & curry sauce to line stomach;
      As many pints as we could get down before closing;
      Large donner kebab.

      I was a medical student and I weighed 10 stone; I enjoyed every pint and every mouthful; I still have a normal BMI; I suspect I am fitter than Prof Haslam and I wish he would shut the **** up.

  4. “It is totally irresponsible”

    A café owner is not responsible for the eating habits of his customers. We are responsible for our own actions.

    “and sending out the wrong message”

    I can’t see anything in British law that requires café owners to also shoulder the burden of educating, informing and entertaining people through the medium of food. (I’m making a huge assumption here that Prof. Haslam is aware that a café is neither a newspaper, a blog, nor a broadcaster and has none of the responsibilities of such entities. But I may be wrong.)

    It’s FOOD, Professor Haslam: you’re supposed to EAT it, not read it. Our species has named itself “Homo Sapiens” for a reason: which part of “sapiens” do you not understand?

  5. Also, Mr. Robert Pinto, a “competitive eater” and the only man to have successfully eaten this vast breakfast – and in just 26 minutes, let alone the hour allotted by the café – is a mere wisp of a man at just 11 stone. Apparently, competitive eaters work out a lot; they’re not just fat blokes with triple chins.

    There’s a picture of him right there in the article. And this is a man who *eats competitively*.

    So it clearly *is* possible to consume such a meal without exploding like Mr. Creosote.

  6. Obviously never seen the pre-rebuild breakfast at the “Fox & Anchor” Smithfield …

    Fried egg, scrambled egg, beans, tomatoes, mushrooms, hash browns, 2 sausages 2 rashers bacon + toast-&-butter!

    I note that the person who DID eat the “kidz breakfast” was a 70-kg ectomorph – which SHOULD TELL YOU SOMETHING!

  7. IF ‘shared’ – and paid for as ‘failure’ – Fifteen quid seems remarkably good value. (The “Not-Big Grinning-Cook” chain has an “O-limp-ish” that contains rather less than 50% of the food – but costs slightly more than half as much.)

  8. Why is Professor Haslam on the National Fat Twunt Forum if he isn’t one himself?

    If he wants a gig, Scope or the Fascist Party look pretty good.

  9. Jesus! what an asshole in desperate need of publicity Prof Haslam is. This is a joke, a challenge, a Cool hand Luke competition, not a Meal Deal or Special offer.

    The Bonkers dog is a bit of a star catching frisbees in our local park. Young mothers with children often come over to us and want to let their youngsters pet her…

    Does she like Children? they ask. Oh she loves them I reply… But she can’t eat a whole one.

    They laugh like drains.

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