I’m A Cock, Apparently

If you’re broadly Tory-inclined, and you’re thinking “Cameron’s a traitor, I’ll vote UKIP”, he’s not a traitor, you’re just a cock. Do you WANT Ed Miliband to let his Union-funded myrmidons run the country with their hand up his bum? Do you WANT more state spending? Do you WANT to abandon the country to Ed Balls’ economic head-bangery? Then fucking well grow up, hold your nose if necessary and vote Conservative, you dick-head.

Jackart’s a Tory, so it comes as no surprise that his core message is “vote Conservative”. And, to be fair, the thought of a Miliband premiership fills me with horror. So does another Cameron one. Jackart trusts him, I don’t. The difference between the two is much like the difference between the pigs and the humans in Animal Farm. Both are professional politicians, both are willing to rape our liberties, both are happy to pour gallons of legislation on us and criminalise the minutia of our lives; both want to nanny, lecture, hector and micromanage what we eat, drink, smoke or do for pleasure; both are in thrall to the unelected, unaccountable, corrupt mandarins in Brussels and are, therefore, a part of the problem. Jackart’s proposal that I vote Conservative is a classic false dichotomy –  one or the other –  when in fact, I want neither and despise both with almost equal contempt. Sure, Cameron has, indeed, promised a referendum on the EU. Unfortunately, he is a politician and therefore must be assumed to be lying. It’s what they do. Jackart trusts him. I don’t.

I haven’t decided what I will be doing come May 2015. I might not vote at all. I might spoil my paper, or I might vote for a minority party. What I will not do –  ever again –  is vote for any of the big three. If that makes me a cock or a dickhead, so be it. I can live with that more than I can live with endorsing any of the cunts who currently occupy the village of Westmonster. A plague on all of their houses –  preferably one with painful pustules.


  1. Absolutely. I’m not aware of any significant area where the current government has reversed the actions of New Labour in 1997-2010. Indeed, in the area of “lifestyle freedom” they’re merrily pressing ahead with grossly illiberal measures like the tobacco display ban and minimum pricing.

    The choice between Tory and Labour is effectively choosing what colour of stick you want to be beaten with.

  2. “Do you WANT Ed Miliband to let his Union-funded myrmidons run the country with their hand up his bum? Do you WANT more state spending? Do you WANT to abandon the country to Ed Balls’ economic head-bangery?”

    Yes, yes I do 😈

    I said to people in the 2010 election that they could have any government they wanted as long as it was socialist, but that they would get to choose which colour tie they wore. People laughed and said I was just being cynical. And yet there is no difference in substance between either Labour, the Conservatives or the Liberal Democrats. They are all central planning, socialist, morons who believe they know best how to run things in between feathering their own nests. The problem we have though is that most people can’t seem to see this…they still look at the name and assume that they are going to get what the name implies.

    It doesn’t matter how many times I say to people to ignore the name and look at what they actually do, they still think the Conservatives are ‘right wing’, even when they carry on with all the crazy ‘left wing’ policies of the last government!! 😡

    We are going to have a great economic collapse sooner or later, can kicking can only go on for so long before reality intervenes, and to be honest I don’t see anyone being able to fix it before it happens. It needs to break so it can correct itself, buggering around at the fringes isn’t gong to help and neither would just cutting everything to bone other that you get to pick when the collapse happens rather than waking up one morning and reading about it in the papers. At this point it’s unavoidable. 🙁

    Being human nature most people are not going to think about what or who caused it they are going to blame the people in charge at the time it happens. Wouldn’t it be better for Labour to be holding the reins at that time, whose policies directly caused it, and whose name is tied directly to central planning & socialism, so they get the blame? People might, might, start to associate economic collapses to these idiots at last and finally think that maybe it isn’t such a good idea to keep voting for them, however well dressed they are.

    If the Conservatives are in charge when it happens the only thing that will get blamed are them, their ‘cuts’, Capitalism and the Free Market just like they are currently are only it’ll be a hundred times worse. You’ll never get of rid of the central planning, socialist, morons if that happens…

    • “People might, might, start to associate economic collapses to these idiots at last”

      If they haven’t worked it by now they never will.

      Anyway, IMO, the whole political system is screwed. We somehow need to ditch party politics and elect politicians on merit not on the colour of their ties.

    • Quite, Cameron is Labour-lite, and like all such lite things, he lacks substance and is ultimately unsatisfying. If the price of having a true Tory in 10 Downing Street is a term of Milliband then so be it.

  3. “…Do you WANT more state spending?”

    No I do not. So in what way will me voting Conservative help? As everyone here has already pointed out, how can you tell the difference between this administration and the last one?

    Just as an aside, in my area a dozen or so new windmills have just been erected. Monuments to the corruption and incompetence of the government.

  4. I do want Ed Milliped (or whoever is leader of the Labour party) to win the 2015 election. Why? Because I’m happy to go through a period of pain if the end result means that the population wake up and realise that all politicians are crap and lobbyists such as fake charities are really running the country. Though I don’t think I have to wish too hard for Labour to win as the Tories will do the same thing, just take longer over destroying the country and it won’t be so obvious that they were the cause.

    • Very good comment.

      Just before the May 2010 general election, I went to the ASI’s blogger’s bash where Guido and Tim Worstall (amongst others) were on the panel. Jackart was there too, and would hopefully remember Guido saying that the best thing to happen long-term would be for Labour to win the election.

      His reasoning being that they would continue spending and continue their nanny state infantilism. When the UK was forced to the IMF cap-in-hand as happened in the 70s, and when Labour as the party of regressive punishment of simple pleasures was ingrained into the public consciousness, they wouldn’t govern again for a couple of decades. This would have left the Conservatives with a free run on the 2015 election and allow them to be proper Conservatives.

      Of course, at the time the idea of five more years of Labour was so appalling that few in the room could stomach it. In hindsight, it was politically brilliant. The recession would have worsened without doubt, the economy would be in tatters, and working class voters would feel less free than at any time since WWII. The UKIP rise in popularity would probably not have happened as dramatically as it has either.

      We are now faced with the same kind of choice. It’s increasingly clear that Labour will form the next government but, this time, the Tories have given us nothing to fear from it. They are not doing as they promised, and in many cases are exactly as damaging as Labour would have been.

      I really do think that the only saviour for Conservatives now is to ditch Cameron. He strikes me as a politician who is only in the game so that he can realise the book deal and after-dinner speaking circuit that Blair has proved to be quite lucrative if a PM just plods through his period in office.

      Edit to add: Personally, I think Jackart is one of the best bloggers out there, whether I agree with him or not. In this case it’s not, but it was still an entertaining read. 🙂

  5. I stopped reading Jackart when it became apparent he was a “Judas Goat”. Ultimately he just wants you to shut your mouth and do what you’re told.

    And that makes him infinitely worse than those who make no qualms about what they want.

    • Jackart does post some good stuff on economic issues, but I also get fed up with his often ranty championing of cyclists vs motorists, which seems at variance with the rest of his ideology.

  6. Good post, thanks.

    I get incredibly fed up with people telling me I should vote for a party I don’t support, because otherwise a different party I don’t support might get in.

    And I should care because?

    As many here have pointed out, there’s no discernible difference between what actually happens* when any of the big two-and-a-half parties form a local administration, so those of us who don’t agree with what they all do might as well vote for someone else who might, one day, maybe, do something different.

    * As opposed to what they promise beforehand, whether in cast-iron or otherwise.

  7. You can read similar articles written by Labour supporters urging lefties to vote for Labour for the simple expedient of keeping the Tories out, despite the fact that so much of the left despises New Labour and everything it stands for.

    I won’t vote Labour for probably similar reasons you won’t vote Tory. I see no real ideological differences between Labour and Conservative parties. They are both neo-liberal parties that believe in high unemployment to keep wage inflation down, want to hand over more of our public services to poor quality private providers and want to run down the welfare state.

    Apart from the obvious civil liberties concerns, I would not vote Labour because of its introduction of unfair “fit to work” tests which are leading to disabled people being passed fit to work with not a snowball’s chance in hell of getting an employer to employ them.

    • At least you recognise that many of the things that are denounced as Tory plots to impoverish the people had their origin under Labour which is more than most left wingers seem capable of. I wonder what will happen when Labour get back in and carry on with much the same policies, as they will, my guess is that it will all go very quiet and we won’t hear a peep out of the high profile progressives, any more than we did when Gordon Brown was abolishing the 10p tax rate. The only thing they are interested in is getting their pals back into power and restoring the natural order of things as they see it. Which puts people like me in the odd position of having rather more in common with old style leftists then either of us would probably like, we both despise this new aristocracy that takes us all for granted and thinks we should just shut up and gratefully take whatever they give us.

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