1. “You have put more than a quarter teaspoon of powder in that coffee cup, you’re bloody NICKED laddie!”

  2. Fek! I voted in the Guardian on-line survey, expecting the overall vote to be predominantly “No!” Eek! It was 52% for “Yes”! We are doomed, truly, truly doomed, if this is the level of thought that infects the sheeple.

    • The comments make depressing reading. All that guff about “public health” as a justification for state interference in our lives. They are irredeemably statist, I’m afraid. If the principle of personal responsibility was ever thrust upon them, they would collapse in a fit of the vapours.

    • Fucking idiot! He will have undergone CBT training. During that, speed – including limits – is covered. Also, if he is 16, he is riding an illegal machine.

  3. Don’t know when it changed, but during our test phase (1979) our instructors would have shot us, for wearing T-Shirts.

    Of course, if tHEY wish to get a Mc Adam tatoo, that is up to them, EXCEPT, it puts my fucking insurance through the roof, and adds fuel to the bastards who would ban us all from riding any way!

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