1. XX The claim has repeatedly been made that nefarious types stick their money in, say, Swiss banks, never tell anyone about it and thus, illegally, get away without paying any of that right and justly due tax.XX

    NO! It is NOT “illegal”. It IS legal in Switzerland.

    Trials and tribulations of “globalisation”.

    They want(ed) it they have it.

    Tough life.

  2. Say what you like about Richard Murphy, he’s always good for a laugh.

    By the way, this is the first time I’ve been able to read your blog in about a week (except for when I’m busy at work *ahem*) – I kept getting a message saying that my I.P. address was blocked as it was identified as a spam site (or something).

    Still, normal service is resumed so no harm done!


  3. Tax is legalised theft; the only way to get this country moving forwards is to lower the level of theft, and let the people spend their money in more the productive ways that people tend to do with their own money.

    Somehow, I doubt that there is anyone in the present government, or the opposition (har har – what a misnomer!) who would agree.

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