Compulsive Compulsion

Victoria Coren Mitchell.

Sadly, I think there is a wave of popular appeal in compelling anyone to do anything.

That certainly appears to be the view of policymakers. They keep coming up with ideas rooted in compulsion and coercion: the Tories demanding manual labour in return for dole money, for example, or the idea mooted at the Labour conference to remove child benefit from those who refuse the MMR jab.

That, in the proverbial nutshell, is it.

Politicians are nasty, self-serving, parasitical, vile scum – the moron putting forward this egregious bill being a particularly evil example. They are scum who think it is their place to tell others what to do – and to compel them if they show any sign of resistance. And, unfortunately, there is a groundswell of public opinion that agrees with them – providing, of course it is someone else being compelled…

There are times when I don’t like my fellow man very much.


  1. This sort of blackmail merely serves to make me more intransigent.
    I will NOT simply bow down and oblige these cretins. I am a sentient human male, well able to make my own decisions.
    No-one will FORCE me to behave in any manner other than the way in which I choose to behave. My two daughters, both now graduated, are my only concern. The Government can butt out of my life, I’m doing quite well without them.

    I would like to add that both girls were labelled as ‘disruptive’ when in the local High School as they refused to accept the CAGW propaganda being force-fed to them. I’ve taught them how to seek and find the true facts. I’ve not told them, I’ve made them find out for themselves, a far more satisfactory way of demolishing untruths.

  2. My Life I can see why Victoria Coren is married to David Mitchell!
    What a verbose,pious piece that is, whilst I agree with her about the upshot of the article did it really need to get there via Turkmanistan (which I believe is the name of the country where Mrs Coren Mitchells husband has based his latest comedy).
    She really did waffle on but her comment that “Even those who don’t have children and despise everyone else’s must recognise that we don’t need untrained cannon fodder any more. The future of the British military lies in highly trained computer programmers, probably no more than 12 of them. (No disrespect to the military; you could say the same about pretty much everything else.)” is fair and accurate, plus the Army don’t want a bunch of street drug taking lazy bovver boys put into their ranks against their will, and I am fairly certain putting Muslim youth in the army would be as popular with the forces as asking a Vet to look at your pet sharks teeth. Her feminista attack on the Alan Titchmarsh show was totally unnecessary and just an opportunity to get in a cheap feminist jab at the shows perceived bias to women which has no bearing whatsoever on her piece as a whole.

  3. I quite agree – this is despicable. You said, at the end of your piece: There are times when I don’t like my fellow man very much.

    I often think the more I see of people, the more I like dogs – and I don’t much like dogs.


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