
…Are we wasting the lives of our service personnel in this medieval shithole?

Afghan government officials have proposed reintroducing public stoning as a punishment for adultery, Human Rights Watch said, even though the practice has been denounced both inside and outside the country as one of the most repugnant symbols of the Taliban regime.

The sentence for married adulterers, along with flogging for unmarried offenders, appears in a draft revision of the country’s penal code being managed by the ministry of justice.

We are wasting precious lives in this godforsaken place. And we shouldn’t. We should never have gone there. Having made the mistake, we should get out – now. There is nothing we can do to drag these vile barbarians into the seventh Century, let along the nineteenth or twentieth. So, get the fuck out and leave them to their primitive behaviour and have nothing to do with them until they become at least half civilised. In a century or two…


  1. We never went into Afghanistan to save the Afghans, or even to defeat the Taliban.

    The objective was always about securing that pipeline that now pumps oil across the country to the Caspian Sea. It was never about freedom, it was never about democracy. Our boys have been dying for cheaper oil supplies.

    • As the mother of a serving soldier whose son has survived 2 x tours of Afghanistan I find your comment insulting, especially to the parents and families of the dead and maimed soldiers.
      Our boys AND girls have not died for oil that is the propaganda the Muslims would have us all believe.
      I do not agree with our troops being there in the first place but to trivialise the deaths of the soldiers in the way you have is disgraceful and disrespectful to their memories.

  2. Perhaps Afghanistan is a forces training ground for the UK of the future? ‘Our’ civilians have started their training already in Syria.

  3. All troops are due for total withdrawal by the end of 2014. I agree we should never have gone there in the first place, but the fact remains our troops were sent there and they did the best job they could.
    As you know my son has been twice both times in a medical capacity and much of his work was treating locals as well as British troops, on his first tour he was part of a medical team that tried to save the lives of 2 local men who had driven their tractor over and IED, one died at the scene the other was airlifted to Bastion but died on the journey.
    Many lads have died in the pursuit of improvement of the lives of Afghan nationals and the fight against al qaeda, but for the other troops and for the families of the dead to say that those boys and girls lost their lives in vain and were wasted would be cruel.
    My son may still have to go one more time, we are waiting to hear if he will or not. I pray he won’t but if he does he will go and he will do his job and I will always be proud of that.
    Afghan will never be civilised but at least there has , for some of the locals at least been improvement.

  4. “have proposed reintroducing public stoning as a punishment for adultery, ”
    But does it work?
    Western crime punishment doesn’t seem to be a lot of use. Why not back to barbarism?

      • No it isn’t but my ex husband would have wives stoned to death for paranoid drunken suspicions of adultery, .let alone the actual act! Not all of our “civilised” society is civilised unfortunately, and it is likely to get worse as the muslims enemy within attempt to introduce their barbarism into the UK by stealth. Try Tower Hamlets or Luton for a few weeks and see how civilised it is there.
        You wait stonings for adultery and hands chopped off for theft will be coming to a street near you in the UK soon.
        Unless we have a much needed revolution.

        • All of which is more reason for the UK government to stop its dhimmitude and not respond to the usual leftist vicitmhood pleading. Islam should not be given special treatment and Sharia has no place in our legal code – nor should it be given a foothold.

          • I agree, but it already has a foothold here and the Muslim councils already practice sharia behind closed doors as shown by Panorama some months ago.
            The Labour Government and now the current coalition refuse to force these councils into transparency. As a result the situation will only worsen as Sharia grows in strength in secret and unmonitored.
            It’s underground and it’s taking hold.

  5. (Why) …Are we wasting the lives of our service personnel in this medieval shithole?

    Securing that pipeline that now pumps oil across the country to the Caspian Sea is merely fortunate happenstance.

    Mr Bush was intent on waving his gonads around to prove he really was a mensch, and naturally our little Tony had to follow suit in his best “Me too” mode.

    When that nice Mr Cameron came along, although he was desperately trying to prove what a nice metrosexual liberal social conscience he had, he couldn’t let Tony be the only tough guy around. Oh, no! “If Tony’s got balls, then look at mine, too” was his thinking – if such a word as thinking can be applied to Mr Cameron – so this whole debâcle is little more than egotistic willy-waving by some of the most unsuitable people ever to attain public office.

    The soldiers (and the civilians too)? – mere units, as in 1914 – 1918 when viewed by our glorious leaders…

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