Tears to the Eyes

The WHO is still using junk science and shonky “research” to justify intervention into people’s lives. This time the old chestnut about men’s foreskins spreading AIDS.

The best way to stem the spread of this disease is for people not to have unprotected intercourse with an infected partner. But, no, that’s far too simple. Better to chop off bits of people’s anatomy rather than you know, actually deal with the problem.

But, then, half the population of the country is Catholic and the condom – a useful tool in the fight against STIs – is verboten. So, yeah, lets mutilate men instead. FFS!

Still, there’s money to be made

I have to say, if anyone asked me to voluntarily subject myself to such mutilation, the answer would be short, negative and involve explaining to them what they could do, with what and where.


  1. I read “The WHO is still using junk science…” and my first thought was that they have never been quite the same since Keith Moon went…

    Then my eyes started watering. What a load of bollocks – if you excuse the anatomical inaccuracy.

    It’s the transfer of bodily fluids from the infected to the uninfected, and condoms definitely help if used properly.

    Why, other than rampant megalomania, would the WHO want this?

      • Could they have been infiltrated by The Elders of Zion?

        Universal removal of foreskin is in accordance with their protocols?

        Or is it only circumcisional evidence?

        OK, I’ll get my coat.

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